In Disney's A Wrinkle in Time, Meg Murry embarks on an epic adventure across the universe to find her missing father. Traveling to worlds unknown as she fights against an evil force that threatens to cover the world in darkness, Meg has three celestial beings as her guides. Known as Mrs. Which, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Whatsit, these three women are powerful warriors made of stardust, each with a special role in Meg's journey.
Mrs. Who
Mrs. Who is quite eccentric, using her diamond spectacles to see things otherwise hidden to the eye.
Mrs. Whatsit
Mrs. Whatsit is the most youthful and free-spirited, transforming into a magnificent flying creature.Mrs. Which
Mrs. Which is the most ancient and wise, inspiring Meg to be a warrior herself.
Photos and content are property of Mattel. The dolls retail at 50 bucks and will be available February 23,2018 at
I think that Mattel did a great job on the recreation of the characters. Mrs. Who is my favorite! But I adore Mrs. Whatsit's dress the most.
I've seen the movie preview and it looks gooooooodd, so needless to say, I'll be watching it. Not sure yet if I'll pick up any of these ladies, though.
How about you? What do you think about them?
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